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Unit testing best practices in Python

Pytest Hero image


Tests are extremely powerful. Some of the benefits of having unit tests are:

  • Having confidence over the code that you've written
  • New joiners can quickly understand the code and see the larger picture.
  • Being able to detect breaking changes instantly.
  • Reproduce bugs without much hassle.

I have been fortunate to learn a lot about testing - mostly from my awesome mentors at Software Heritage. In this article, I'll try to share some my insights about common unit testing best practices in and some powerful features in the python testing ecosystem.

First, let's define some functions that we'll be using throughout this blog:

from datetime import datetime

def foo():
  return "foo"

def bar():
  return "bar"

def add(a, b):
  return a + b

def add_3_and_4():
  return add(3, 4)

def get_timestamp():
  return datetime.utcnow().isoformat()[:-3] + "Z"

let's go

This looks good. Let's get started!

Minimize duplication using parameterized

Instead of writing individual tests like this:

from a import add

def test_add_1_and_3():
  assert add(1, 3) == 4

def test_add_0_and_0():
  assert add(0, 0) == 0

def test_add_3_and_minus2():
  assert add(3, -2) == 1

You can use the parameterized library to deduplicate your code:

from a import add

  (1, 3, 4),
  (0, 0, 0),
  (3, -2, 1),
def test_add(a, b, c):
  assert add(a, b) == c

Monkeypatch objects

Python provides an in-built patch function that can be used to mock any object. It's extremely powerful and allows you to provide mocked responses for any function call or spy on a function for all the passed arguments.

from a import foo, bar

def foo_bar():
  return f"{foo()} {bar()}"
from b import foo_bar
from a import get_timestamp, add
from unittest.mock import patch
from datetime import datetime

def test_foo_bar_without_mocking_anything():
  assert foo_bar() == "foo bar"

@patch('', return_value="patched_foo")
def test_foo_bar_with_mocked_foo(mock_foo):
  # Note that we need to patch, not
  assert foo_bar() == "patched_foo bar"

# If we patch, won't be affected.
# and since is getting used in b.foo_bar,
# the output wouldn't have changed at all.
@patch('', return_value="patched_foo")
def test_foo_bar_with_mocked_foo(mock_foo):
  assert foo_bar() == "foo bar"

def test_get_timestamp_with_mocked_datetime(mock_datetime):
  mock_datetime.utcnow.return_value = datetime(2000, 1, 1)
  assert get_timestamp() == "2000-01-01T00:00Z"

@patch('a.add', wraps=add)
def test_add_3_and_4(mock_add):
  # passing the same function via wraps param would mean
  # that the 'add' function will remain as it is
  # while allowing us to use .assert_* methods just like regular mocks
  # this is similar to the 'spying' feature in jest
  assert add_3_and_4() == 7

Dynamic fixtures

This is something that I invented on my own and I haven't found anyone using this trick. Fixtures have access to other powerful fixtures and you might want to call them with different arguments.

def dynamic_fixture(datadir):
    # datadir is a fixture that returns the path to the test data directory
    # there are other powerful fixtures like `mocker` (from pytest-mock)
    # you can reuse some code by returning a function from the fixture
    def get_page(page_id: int):
        text = Path(datadir, "", f"page{page_id}.json").read_text()
        page = json.loads(text)
        book_names = [book["name"] for book in page]
        return book_names, page

    return get_page

def test_foo(dynamic_fixture):
  p1_books, p1 = dynamic_fixture(1)
  p2_books, p2 = dynamic_fixture(2)

Use dictionaries to handle mutliple cases at once

# Instead of doing this:
  ("ADD", 1, 2, 3),
  ("MUL", 5, 6, 30),
  # (...),
def test_something(operation, n1, n2, out):
  if operation == "ADD":
    assert add(n1, n2) == out
  elif operation == "MUL":
    assert multiply(n1, n2) == out
    assert False, "Unknown operation"

# Try doing this:
  ("ADD", 1, 2, 3),
  ("MUL", 5, 6, 30),
  # (...),
def test_something(operation, n1, n2, out):
  operation_to_func = {
    "ADD": add,
    "MUL": multiply
  assert operation_to_func[operation](n1, n2) == out

Use doctests

Doc tests are really powerful and are ideal for writing tests for small util functions that need to be used at mutliple places in your code. Because doctests are part of the function documentation, the IDE will display them directly when the developer hovers over the function. So in that way you can provide clear examples of how to use that util function.

import codecs

def unescape(string):
    r"""Processes the escaped special characters

    >>> unescape(r'''foo " bar''') == r'''foo " bar'''
    >>> unescape(r'''foo \\" bar''') == r'''foo \" bar'''
    return codecs.escape_decode(string.encode())[0].decode()

To run doctests you need to use:

pytest --doctest-modules

Use test suites whenever possible

from unittest import TestCase

class TestSuite(TestCase):
  def setUp(self):
    # Code that's supposed to run only once before running all the tests in the suite

  def tearDown(self):
    # Clean-up work after all the tests in the suite are completed.
    # It often includes flushing (resetting) the external services once you're done.

  def test_something(self):

Use pytest flags to your advantage:

# Used to run only specfic test that match the regex pattern:
pytest -k 'regex_for_test_functions_that_you_want_to_run'
# Used with pytest-django to avoid re-creating the DB while running the tests
pytest --reuse-db
# Used to make pytest fail fast (on the first error or test failure)
pytest -x
# Used to rerun only failed tests (you must have used it in the last run to make it work)
pytest --lf # or --last-failed
# Used to run failed tests first (you must have used it in the last run to make it work)
pytest --ff # or --failed-first
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
# Use a variable names like this for datetime objects
now =
now_minus_5_minutes = now - timedelta(minutes=5)
now_plus_5_minutes = now + timedelta(minutes=5)

Compare arrays instead of their length

def test_compare_arrays():
  arr1 = [1, 2, 3]
  arr2 = list(range(1, 4))
  # Wherever possible, avoid doing this:
  assert len(arr1) = len(arr2)
  # Instead try using this:
  assert arr1 == arr2
  # Reason: Whenever the test will fail
  # You'll be able to see the elements that were passed in the array.

Provide conditions for skipping the test

import mymodule
from pytest import mark

minversion = mark.skipif(
    mymodule.__versioninfo__ < (1, 1), reason="at least mymodule-1.1 required"

def test_function():

Test unhappy flows and raising exceptions using pytest.raises

import pytest

def foo(num):
  if num >= 0:
    print("All good. Input is not negative.")
    raise Exception("Negative input is not allowed.")

def test_foo():

  with pytest.raises(Exception):

Bonus: Script to run tests from a list

I encountered a situation where test A was failing when running with other tests but not when running in isolation. So I wanted run it against subsets of tests to find the culprit. I wrote a small script to do that. I think it's worth sharing:

import subprocess
import re

def collect_tests():
    # Run pytest with --collect-only and capture the output
    command = ["pytest", "--collect-only"]
    output = subprocess.check_output(command, universal_newlines=True)

    # Extract test names from the output using regular expressions
    test_names = re.findall(r"<Function (.*?)>", output)

    # Clean parametrized tests:
    # Input: test_same_site_cookie_values[]
    # Output: test_same_site_cookie_values
    test_names = [re.sub(r"\[.*\]", "", test_name) for test_name in test_names]

    return set(test_names)

discovered_tests = collect_tests()

with open("test_cases.txt", "w") as f:
from typing import List
import pytest

def run_tests(test_file: str):
    with open(test_file, "r") as file:
        tests: List[str] = []
        for line in file:
            line = line.strip()
            if line and not line.startswith("#"):
        if tests:
            pytest.main(["-k", " or ".join(tests)])


Then I manually did a binary search on the list of test cases, commenting the ones that I didn't want to run in the current iteration. (Set VSCode language as Python for the file so you can do this easily) This was super helpful in finding the culprit test which helped in catching a small but fatal bug in the code. It would have been a nightware without this script :p


I hope this will help someone get an idea of how tests can improve your code's robustness. Feel free to reach out to me on Twitter or LinkedIn (Please add a message while sending the connection request)

Happy testing!